Call of duty ghosts trophy guide

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Birds of Prey Pounce on 10 enemies whilst controlling Riley Blimey O'Riley Rendez-vous in Fort Santa Monica. Nightfall Completionist Kill a Rhino with only a pistol in Nightfall. Federation Day Take out 3 out of 3 helicopters with the remote missile. At the last section of the mission you are jumping down from the rooftop onto the ground killing off the dozen enemies that are awaiting your presence until a truck and open trailer appear where you get on with the help of a teamate and begin getting pursued by vehicles behind you until the destruction prevents anymore enemies from getting through ending the mission.

There are several MAAWS rocket launchers on some custodes. Carbon Faceprint Bronze — Catch Photocopier with your face Location: Mission 7: Federation Day 3rd Rappel Funny description once you know what happens, haha. Mission 8: Birds of Prey 2. Sin City Kill the sleeping guy in face down rappel section Sleeping Beauty Kill your first prime in the Call of Duty® Ghosts campaign. Folgt danach dem Weg unter dem halb geöffneten Tor weiter und schaut bevor ihr weiter nach unten geht, auf den Balkon direkt vor euch. Dort werdet ihr noch eine weitere Reihe mit Automaten sehen die ihr kaputt machen könnt. Goldrush - Xi the railroad to the bottom of the map. This is the final mission where you are running up to the front of the train to catch Rorke. Sammelt anfangs noch keine Perks, bis alle Spieler mit anständigen Waffen ausgerüstet sind.

The hive is on the deck of this boat. Once scavenged they will not be available anymore and every new game they are placed within the random locations. Ignore the incoming Federation tanks and focus on the air. A photocopier will come flying out of a shattered window.

Call of Duty: Ghosts Devastation Trophies Guide - Waste not Earn the mask. It Came from Below!

Goldrush - this abandoned gold mine encourages fast-paced gameplay. Two minecarts zip around on rails throughout the map. Use them to quickly move around and get behind the enemy. Subzero - taking place in a frozen Canadian submarine base, Subzero offers both tight corridor action as well as open areas for large gunfights. Dynasty - a small Chinese village. The Harrier Strike killstreak from MW2 makes its return in this map. The small size makes for hectic and chaotic encounters. This map also includes a few surprise environment hazards. Start up multiplayer and play through each of the new maps. Each map contains a hidden alien hive that you will need to shoot in order to complete the Egg-Stra XP challenge. Start Extinction mode upon completing the challenge. Continue playing this session and move on to Step 2. Acquire a Hypno Knife and hit an Ancestor with it. Build the NX-1 Disruptor and score a Hat Trick with it. Work on completing all challenges during your playthroughs of this episode. Finally, kill all 3 ancestors within 10 seconds during the final battle. All of the trophies in this step can theoretically be earned in one playthrough but it is highly unlikely you will pull it off, so go for a couple of these trophies at a time. There are two relic trophies in this DLC and they will stack if you do it on Hardcore from the start. You can also skip a couple of challenges by not opening any doors that you don't have to. You will receive 3 unique challenges during the final encounter. Their order is random but it will always be the same 3 challenges. They are very slow so keep your distance and you shouldn't have a problem dodging their attacks. Use the left trigger shot of your NX-1 to destroy the Ancestor's shield and continue hitting it in the head. Shoot another charged orb at it to deal massive damage. Shoot your charged NX-1 orbs at its head to do a ton of damage and to destroy its shields. The Ancestor's weak point is its head so focus your attacks there. These are randomly found in search boxes. Look all around the level for these search boxes and press to open them. If an intel was inside, it will now be on the ground. Press to pick it up. The intel looks like a smartphone. If you are playing with other players, only the player that picks up the intel will get credit for picking it up. Encrypted Intel - The remaining 3 intel are located in specific locations and look like laptops. Two are located beyond the center gate and the last one is located beyond the right gate. Each door leads to an outpost. Go through any door and activate the two generators. Objective markers will show up on your screen so they are easy to find. Once the two generators are activated, you will have completed an outpost and earned this trophy. All outposts must be cleared in order to complete this episode so this trophy is unmissable. Each new multiplayer map in this DLC contains a hidden alien hive. You need to find and shoot all four of these hives to complete the Egg-Stra XP challenge. This challenge must be completed in public matches. A prompt will appear at the top-left of your screen the moment you shoot each hive. After you have shot all four hives, enter Extinction Mode and activate one of the generators. Open any of the three doors at the beginning of the episode and survive until the time runs out. Then locate a generator and begin activating it. Dynasty - Head to the bottom-left area of the map and look out to the water. You should notice a small boat with a red sail. The hive is on the deck of this boat. Goldrush - Follow the railroad to the bottom of the map. Once there, look to your left for a passage on the other side of the cave. The hive is at the entrance to this passage. Showtime - Find the stage which is located at the bottom-left corner of the map. When facing the stage, look to your left and climb up the pile of stage equipment. Now look to your left and jump towards the large vents so that you see broken windows in front of you. Look through the windows and you will see the hive in this room. Subzero - Go to the top-right corner of the map and you will find a missile silo. Stand in the silo's latch, crouch, and look down. On the right side of the missile you will notice a piece of the last hive sticking out. This trophy's description makes it sound more complicated than it really is. After you have activated all generators, your last objective will be to initiate the Medusa Device and then charge it. Upon starting the event, the first Ancestor will appear. At 25% charge, the second Ancestor will appear. And finally the third Ancestor will join the fight at 50% charge. Simply pay the Ancestors no attention. You want all three to be alive throughout the entire event. Their attacks are devastating but they move very slowly so you should have no problem avoiding them. What should be your primary focus is actually surviving the event. Dozens upon dozens of enemies will swarm you for several minutes so use everything you have to stay alive. Once the Medusa is fully charged, activate it and it will destroy all remaining enemies, including the Ancestors. The Hypno Knife can be found in search boxes that are scattered throughout the map. Search box contents are random so it may be a while before you find a Hypno Knife. Once you do find one, save it for an encounter with an Ancestor. An Ancestor will appear during your second generator activation and this is the first opportunity you have to earn this trophy. When the Ancestor appears, make sure its shield is off you can use the NX-1 Disruptor to remove its shield and then throw your Hypno Knife at it to unlock the trophy. If you have already progressed beyond this part then you will get a few opportunities at the very end of the episode when you have to defeat three Ancestors. Unlike the other DLCs' relic trophies, this particular trophy must be done on Hardcore! Hardcore Difficulty limits how many skill points you can earn. Only completing challenges will earn you a skill point - opening a door or activating a generator will not. The NX-1 is a new weapon that shoots out orbs of energy and has regenerating ammunition. Press the right trigger to shoot a single orb at an enemy which will kill weaker cryptids in a single hit. Press and hold the left trigger to consume all ammo and unleash a slower, larger, and more powerful orb. The first thing you will need to do is find the schematics for the NX-1 Disruptor. From the beginning, head through the door right in front of you. Keep heading straight and go inside the parking deck. You will come across a red tool chest on your right side which will have the schematic on top of it. Now you need to walk around the map and look for three red toolboxes. Press and hold when you find one to receive an ingredient. Once you have all three ingredients, press and then to craft the NX-1 Disruptor. It will be in its own weapon slot so use to switch to it. Now that you have the NX-1 crafted, go to your nearest generator and start the event. You are going to want to lay low and wait until there are at least three cryptid attacking the generator. Then switch to your NX-1 and hold the left trigger to fire a large orb at the enemies. You will need to have max ammo 10 before you can do this. The trophy will unlock if you manage to kill at least three cryptid with a single shot. If you happen to miss, you will need to wait several seconds before your NX-1's ammo is back at full capacity.